Best Dragon City Dragons
February 19, 2024
Dragon City is the best simulation game by the developers Social Point. This game has gained popularity since its birth because of beautiful different cutest dragons. In this game, you have to combat with different dragons online with your powers to become top Dragon Master in the World.

Below given are some Best Dragon City Dragons.
Nature dragon loves humans, animals, and all living things.
- Name: Nature Dragon
- Type: Elemental
- Breedable: Yes
- Breeding Time: 20 minutes
- Hatching Time: 20 minutes
- Price: 100 Gold
- Sell: 100 Gold
- Category: 1
It is the wisest of all dragons. He can solve all your problems but to understand him you will have to learn Chinese.
- Name: Jade Dragon
- Type: Hybrid
- Breedable: Yes
- Breeding Time: 13 hours
- Hatching Time: 19 hours
- Price: 250 Gem
- Sell: 5,000 Gold
- Category: 2
Star dragon is one of the calmest, friendly dragons to all. Star dragon is made of stars that shine at night.
- Name: Star Dragon
- Type: Hybrid
- Breedable: Yes
- Breeding Time: 7 hours
- Hatching Time: 9 hours
- Price: 100 Gold
- Sell: 5,000 Gem
- Category: 2
Terra Dragons have an extremely humble nature. They are not known for their beauty but love nature.
- Name: Terra Dragon
- Type: Elemental
- Breedable: Yes
- Breeding Time: 15 seconds
- Hatching Time: 15 seconds
- Price: 50 Gold
- Sell: 50 Gold
- Category: 1
If you can’t take the heat then stay away from Flame Dragon.
- Name: Flame Dragon
- Type: Elemental
- Breedable: Yes
- Breeding Time: 30 seconds
- Hatching Time: 30 seconds
- Price: 100 Gold
- Sell: 100 Gold
- Category: 1

This dragon is pure sunshine on his wings.
- Name: Neon Dragon
- Type: Hybrid
- Breedable: Yes
- Breeding Time: 9 hours
- Hatching Time: 15 hours
- Price: 750 Gem
- Sell: 100 Gold
- Category: 2
In recent times, ice dragons have migrated to the North Pole. Tell them the right path towards the ice and you will get friends forever.
- Name: Ice Dragon
- Type: Elemental
- Breedable: Yes
- Breeding Time: 9 hours
- Hatching Time: 15 hours
- Price: 100 Gold
- Sell: 100 Gold
- Category: 1
The electric dragon is always looking for a shock.
- Name: Electric Dragon
- Type: Elemental
- Breedable: Yes
- Breeding Time: 30 minutes
- Hatching Time: 30 minutes
- Price: 2500 Gold
- Sell: 2500 Gold
- Category: 1
Cactus dragon is covered with spikes and love to cuddle.
- Name: Cactus Dragon
- Type: Hybrid
- Breedable: Yes
- Breeding Time: 7 hours
- Hatching Time: 9 hours
- Price: 200 Gem
- Sell: 5000 Gold
- Category: 3
This dragon is so much legendary that no word can do justice.
- Name: Legacy Dragon
- Type: Legendary
- Breedable: Yes
- Breeding Time: 2 days 2 hours
- Hatching Time: 2 days 10 hours
- Price: 2500 Gem
- Sell: 1,080,000 Gold.
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